
Full name and address of the provider:

Innovation Campus Xtended Learning Solutions GmbH,
Landstuhler Straße 79a, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach, Germany

The full name of the company with addition of form and the persons authorised to represent the company:

Innovation Campus Xtended Learning Solutions GmbH,
Landstuhler Straße 79a, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach
represented by the managing partners: Michael Krings, Roger Rappich

Data for direct contact:
Telephone: 06371 560 860-3
e-Mail: info(at)

Commercial register number and register court:
Registry Court Zweibrücken HRB 32540

Value added tax ID:
DE 225 722 037

Responsible according to § 55 Abs.2 RStV:
Michael Krings
Landstuhler Straße 79
66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach